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母亲节 Mother's Day

时间: 2013-06-19 08:36; 作者: 作文网 

 Mother’s Day is coming, and I even want to say, “My mum is the most beautiful woman in the world.”

I still remember the day I bought a bunch of carnation for my mum. I will never forget the smile when she accepted the flowers. That Mother’s Day was wonderful. We had a small cake, a warm talk.
I consider mum as the most important person in a family. My mum is a great, great mum. I love her. I wish her happy not only on the Mother’s Day. More importantly, I wish her always happy and healthy.
Mother’s Day is coming. I decide to do something special for my mum. Thanks all mothers in the world. Happy Mother’s Day.
  • 上一篇:感谢父母的爱 Be Grateful to Our Parents
  • 下一篇:爱与流感 Love and Flu
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