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时间: 2013-07-09 11:07; 作者: 作文网 
  My friend got married. His mother carried two bags of cotton from the countryside by bus and train to his city. After arriving at the city, there was still a long way to his house without any bus passing by the house. His mother walked to his home breathlessly for 40 minutes without taking a taxi in order to save money.
  My friend felt bitter as well as funny as his mother’s deeds. He pointed to the cashmere and silk quilts and said, “So long as you have money, you can buy anything in the supermarket. There is no need for you to carry so much cotton here in such a long way.”But his mother insisted and said, “The cotton of this year is light and warmth-keeping. Have a try and you will know!”
  朋友哭笑不得,指着满床的羊绒被、蚕丝被说,只要有钱,商场里什么样的被子买不到,非要这样折腾? 母亲固执地辩解,这是今年的新棉花,轻巧保暖,你试试吧,试试就知道了。
  Maybe every parent is the same, caring for their children with relentless love without caring about whether they know or like it.
  This early spring, I went to visit my grandmother. We had dry beans stew, eggplant salad bar, sauce radish for our dinner, all of which were dried by my grandmother last autumn and tasted wonderful. I loved the dishes to my heart’s content and could not help praising them again and again. After a few days, my grandmother, who seldom visited us, came to my home and unpacked her bag, smilingly taking out bags of dried eggplants, dried beans and dried vegetable.
  早春时节,我去探望婆婆。晚饭,吃的干豆角炖肉,凉拌茄条,酱萝卜条……都是婆婆头年秋天晒的干菜。嚼来滋味悠长,有阳光的味道。我吃得满心欢喜,随口赞了数声。 隔了几日,平时很少上门的婆婆突然来了,笑眯眯地解开包袱,用塑料袋包得严严实实的是茄子干、干豇豆、花菜干。
  She told me that I left so hastily last time that she forgot to give me some of these foods, so she took this chance to bring me what I liked. I was speechless at that time. Due to my casual compliment on her food, my grandmother , a nearly 70-year-old lady, by taking three buses from the west of the city to the east, came to my home with the food I liked. But she was bus-sick in life and even seldom went strolling in the street.
  • 上一篇:最后一片叶子 The Last Leaf
  • 下一篇:双语美文:若今天是生命中的最后一天
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