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时间: 2017-03-20 17:20; 作者: 作文网 


  Nowadays I lived in a dormitory of ten people.There is many people.I am a hight school student.But I am looking forward to entering the campus,and I want to enter medicine department.Now we have many assignment that makes us unhappy.And few days ago,we had a exam which made us sad because most classmates didn't get good grades.Although I don't get good grades and don't get aim,I still make progress.I think this is only luckly thing.This is my second semester.Our tuition fee was 2200 yuan.We have many required courses,but we don't have any selective courses.Our school have scholarship,although it isn't much,I try getting the litter scholarship.And we have many credit.We must get enough credit to get graduation.I am a LiKe student,so I have 8 courses,I only had 6 exams.Now I have to finish my homework because I need to enter school.Ok,the school is described to you.

  • 上一篇:我的未来作文350字
  • 下一篇:妇女节作文350字
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