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时间: 2017-04-17 09:53; 作者: 作文网 

Xiang Junbo, chairman of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, is under investigation by China's top anti-graft authority.中国保险监督管理委员会主席项俊波目前正接受我国最高反腐机构的审查。The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China said last Sunday in an online statement that Xiang was being investigated for suspected serious violation of the Party's code of conduct.中共中央纪律检查委员会上周日在网上发布声明称,项俊波因涉嫌严重违反党的行为准则而接受审查。Mr. Xiang oversaw an industry that has gone from a cash-rich but sleepy backwater to a major player on the global deal-making scene in recent years.项俊波监管的保险业,近年来已经从一个现金充裕但却死气沉沉的行业,成长为全球交易舞台上的一个主要参与者。

Chinese insurers have bought up a large number of properties, including big developments, European financial institutions and the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York.中国保险企业买下了大量产业,其中包括大型开发项目、欧洲的金融机构以及纽约的华尔道夫-阿斯特里亚酒店。The investigation began after China's top leadership vowed to contain systemic financial risks.项俊波被查之前,我国最高领导层承诺将控制系统性金融风险。Xiang, 60, has headed the insurance commission and served as a member of the monetary policy committee of the Chinese central bank since 2011.项俊波现年60岁,2011年起任保监会主席、兼任央行货币政策委员会委员。Separately on Sunday, the top anti-graft authority also announced the investigation of Li Changjun, former Party chief and president of the Beijing Branch of the Export-Import Bank of China, for suspected serious violation of the Party's code of conduct.中纪委同日还宣布,中国进出口银行北京分行原党委书记、行长李昌军涉嫌严重违纪,目前正接受组织审查。

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