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时间: 2017-04-17 09:53; 作者: 作文网 

The 36th Hong Kong Film Awards were handed out last Sunday night. Hong Kong performers Lam Ka Tung and Kara Wai won Best Actor and Best Actress respectively.第36届香港金像奖颁奖典礼于上周日晚举行,“最佳男演员”和“最佳女演员”分别由香港演员林家栋和惠英红摘得。Lam Ka Tung starred in "Trivisa", an action crime thriller that grabbed the Best Film award at the ceremony.林家栋出演了在本届金像奖中获得“最佳电影”称号的犯罪动作电影《树大招风》。The story, set in early 1997, features three real-life notorious mobsters, known as "Three Kings of Thieves", who plotted together a final hit before Hong Kong's sovereignty transferred to the central Chinese government.这部电影的背景设置在1997年,主要围绕社会上臭名昭著的“三大贼王”展开,讲述了三个犯罪人员在香港回归前策划了一起合作大案的故事。The film also took trophies for Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Film Editing.此外,该电影还摘得了“最佳导演奖”、“最佳剧本奖”和“最佳电影剪辑奖”等各大奖项。

In contrast, "Soul Mate," though a nominee for 12 awards, only took home one, for Best Original Film Score.相比之下,此前获得12项奖项提名的电影《七月与安生》却是意外爆冷,在本届金像奖之中只获得了“最佳原创电影音乐奖”。Its co-stars Zhou Dongyu and Ma Sichun were strong candidates to win Best Actress, the award taken by Kara Wai.而参演该电影的两大女主周冬雨和马思纯作为本次影后的有力竞选者,也在最后不敌惠英红。Wai played a woman suffering Alzheimer's disease in the Film "Happiness". She said she accepted the role for her mother, who had been troubled by the same illness for over a decade and just passed away.惠英红在电影《幸运是我》中饰演一位老年痴呆症患者。对此她坦言自己是为了母亲接下的这一角色,因为母亲在过去十年内也同样患得该疾病,且不久前刚刚去世。When delivering the acceptance speech, Wai said she hoped she hadn't disgraced her mother.在发表获奖感言时,惠英红称希望自己的演绎没有让妈妈失望。The Best Supporting Actress went to Elaine Jin for "Mad World", and her co-star Eric Tsang got the Best Supporting Actor.“最佳女配角”则由出演电影《一念无明》的金燕玲获得,而与其合作的男演员曾志伟则同样凭借该电影获得“最佳男配角”称号。

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