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时间: 2017-04-17 09:57; 作者: 作文网 

The Daily Mail has apologised to Melania Trump and agreed to pay unspecified damages after the wife of the US president brought a libel lawsuit against the newspaper group.

《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)已向梅拉尼娅?特朗普(Melania Trump)道歉,并同意支付金额不详的损害赔偿金,此前美国总统的夫人对这家报业集团提起诽谤诉讼。

Catrin Evans QC, representing Associated Newspapers, the British parent company of the Daily Mail and Mail Online, said in a statement read at the High Court in London yesterday the “defendant acknowledges that these claims about the claimant are untrue and we retract and withdraw them”.

昨日在伦敦高等法院宣读的一份声明中,代表《每日邮报》和“邮报在线”(Mail Online)的英国母公司联合报业(Associated Newspapers)的御用大律师卡特琳?埃文斯(Catrin Evans QC)表示,“被告承认有关原告的这些说法是不属实的,我们收回并撤回这些说法”。

Ms Evans added: “The defendant is here today publicly to set the record straight and to apologise to the claimant for any distress and embarrassment that the articles may have caused her.”


John Kelly, representing Mrs Trump, said yesterday that Associated Newspapers had agreed to pay damages but did not specify an amount.

代表特朗普夫人的约翰?凯利(John Kelly)昨日表示,联合报业已同意支付损害赔偿金,但没有透露具体金额。

However, the settlement is believed to be much smaller than the $150m in damages Mrs Trump had been seeking. According to one person familiar with the matter, the total settlement is about $3m, including legal fees.


Mrs Trump launched a suit against Associated Newspapers last September over an August 20 article with the headline “Racy photos and troubling questions about his wife’s past that could derail Trump”. The article cited a Slovenian magazine’s report that a modelling agency, which employed Mrs Trump in the 1990s, had also served as an escort service.

特朗普夫人去年9月对联合报业提起诉讼,涉及后者在8月20日发表的一篇报道,其标题为《艳照和有关他太太的过去的令人不安的问题,可能破坏特朗普选情》(Racy photos and troubling questions about his wife’s past that could derail Trump)。该报道援引斯洛文尼亚的一篇杂志报道称,曾在上世纪90年代雇佣特朗普夫人的一家模特公司,还提供伴游服务。

Although the Daily Mail published a retraction two weeks later, the paper and its online edition, Mail Online, stopped short of offering a full apology for reporting what Mrs Trump’s lawyer, Charles Harder, described as the “100 per cent false” rumours.

虽然《每日邮报》在两周后发表了一份收回声明,但该报及其在线版“邮报在线”都没有对报道特朗普的律师查尔斯?哈德(Charles Harder)所称的“100%虚假”谣言作出全面道歉。

In February, Mrs Trump settled a separate claim in Maryland against Webster Griffin Tarpley, a US blogger, and refiled the lawsuit against the Daily Mail’s publishers in New York, claiming the article had hurt her chances of establishing “multimillion-dollar business relationships” while in the White House.

今年2月,特朗普夫人在马里兰州对美国博主韦伯斯特?格里芬?塔普利(Webster Griffin Tarpley)提起的诉讼达成和解。随即她对《每日邮报》在纽约的出版商再度提起诉讼,称涉案文章损害了她在白宫期间建立“数百万美元商业关系”的机会。

That led to claims Mrs Trump was cashing in on her position as First Lady, prompting Mr Harder to refile the claim once more, dropping a reference to a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to commercially exploit Mrs Trump’s “brand”.


A joint statement from Associated Newspapers and Mrs Trump yesterday said the agreement to pay “damages and costs” to the First Lady would settle both the lawsuit in the UK and the lawsuit in the US.


In an interview with the Guardian last year, Mr Harder, who successfully represented retired wrestler Hulk Hogan in his $140m case against Gawker Media that led to its sale to Univision, explained why Mrs Trump was determined to take on the Daily Mail.

去年在接受《卫报》(Guardian)采访时,曾经成功代表退休摔跤手哈尔克?霍根(Hulk Hogan)对Gawker Media提起1.4亿美元诉讼,最终导致这家媒体公司被出售给Univision的哈德,解释了特朗普夫人为什么决心追究《每日邮报》的责任。

“[The Daily Mail’s apology] came several weeks after they had published their original article, knowing that it was going to be republished by lots of different publications,” he said. “There were hundreds and hundreds of publications that ended up reporting about this horrible lie that the Daily Mail had perpetuated. The damage had been done.”


Despite its image as a staunchly conservative British newspaper that campaigned for Brexit, the Daily Mail’s website has aggressively targeted the US market in recent years. Mail Online has offices in Los Angeles and New York, with more than 250 staff in the US and this month launched its own TV show, which will be broadcast in 105 American markets.


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