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报告称 2030年联合办公将占办公市场30%

时间: 2017-04-19 08:48; 作者: 作文网 

By 2030, co-working spaces will make up 30% of the office market and multinational enterprises will become major users, according to a report released by the US-based real estate services provider Colliers International Group Inc.


The emerging number of employees from the post-1980 generation and the increase in multinational corporations using flexible workspace are some of the drivers, the report said.


Jonathan Seliger, CEO of naked Hub, a co-working space operator founded in 2015, said the post-1980 generation tended to seek better designed and aspirational settings.


Compared to a traditional office, flexible workspaces can cut costs an average 25% and provide a more dynamic environment to improve staff retention and broaden access to skilled staff and potential business partners, the report found.


More multinational enterprises are expected to deploy their digital, innovative or technical teams into co-working spaces, the report said.


The past two years have seen a rising demand for flexible workspace in developed cities across China.


The three major operators in Beijing - URwork, Wujie Space and SOHO 3Q - currently cover a total office area of about 140,000 sq m with 19,000 desks.

北京三家大型的联合办公品牌--优客工场、无界空间、SOHO 3Q,目前覆盖的总办公室面积约为14万平方米、19000张办公桌。

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