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时间: 2017-04-20 08:51; 作者: 作文网 

Ant Financial, the digital payments affiliate of China’s Alibaba, has raised its bid for MoneyGram by 36 per cent to $1.2bn a month after Euronet Worldwide gate-crashed its original $880m offer.

在Euronet Worldwide不请自来地加入竞购一个月后,中国阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba)关联企业、数字支付公司蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)将其对速汇金(MoneyGram)的出价提高了36%,从最初的8.8亿美元提升至12亿美元。

The battle for Texas-based MoneyGram characterises many of the challenges facing Chinese mergers and acquisitions. Rival bidder Euronet and US politicians alike flagged the political risks of selling to a Chinese entity, while Ant pre-emptively raised $3bn overseas to avoid being snagged by China’s capital controls.


Alibaba, founded by former English teacher and now multi-billionaire Jack Ma, is among China’s most acquisitive companies as it seeks to take its vast domestic business global.

马云(Jack Ma)创立的阿里巴巴,是中国收购最积极的企业之一。该集团试图将其庞大的国内业务推向全球。马云曾是一名英语教师,目前已身家数十亿。

MoneyGram is Ant’s first bid in the US, although it has accrued a string of stakes in mobile payment companies in India, Thailand and South Korea over the past year. Alipay, initially set up to service Alibaba’s ecommerce operations — much as eBay spawned the need for PayPal in the US — dominates China’s huge mobile payments market.


Owning MoneyGram would allow the fast-growing Chinese group to connect with an international network of 2.4bn accounts.


Euronet sought to kill the deal, making a higher bid and arguing that an acquisition by a fellow US company would involve fewer regulatory issues than one by a Chinese company. Flagging up what it saw as a big execution risk, it included a hefty break fee.


US lawmakers urged the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US to conduct a “full and thorough” review of the deal.

多名美国议员敦促美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment)“全面而彻底地”审核这笔交易。

However, Ant has come back fighting. Its new bid prices MoneyGram shares at $18 each, up from an initial offer of $13.25, the companies said in a joint statement. Euronet had offered $15.20 a share. Shares in MoneyGram shares closed at $16.51 on Thursday.


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