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时间: 2017-04-20 08:51; 作者: 作文网 

South Korea’s former president Park Geun-hye has been charged with bribery and abuse of power, a month after she was ousted from office over a corruption scandal that has rocked the country for months.

韩国前总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)被控受贿和滥用职权。一个月前,朴槿惠因一宗冲击韩国数月的腐败丑闻而遭到弹劾。

Ms Park is facing 14 charges that accuse her of allowing now-jailed confidante Choi Soon-sil to gain unauthorised access to classified documents, while allegedly colluding to extort $70m from businesses for two foundations in effect under Choi’s control.

朴槿惠面临14项指控,包括允许现已入狱的密友崔顺实(Choi Soon-sil)在未经授权的情况下接触机密文件,以及涉嫌合谋为两家由崔顺实实际控制的基金会从企业敲诈7000万美元。

“We’ve made our utmost efforts to get to the bottom of the case,” the prosecutors said yesterday, announcing their indictment of Ms Park.


The move is the latest humiliation for the disgraced former president, who was ousted in March after months of street protests. The constitutional court upheld a parliamentary impeachment vote from December.


Ms Park became the country’s third president to be indicted by prosecutors after the former military dictators Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo were jailed on corruption and mutiny charges in the mid-1990s. Ms Park, the daughter of former South Korean President Park Chung Hee, has denied any wrongdoing, saying that “the truth will be definitely unearthed”.

朴槿惠成为了第三位被检方提起公诉的韩国总统。上世纪90年代中期,前军事独裁者全斗焕(Chun Doo-hwan)和卢泰愚(Roh Tae-woo)因腐败和叛乱指控而被判入狱。身为韩国前总统朴正熙(Park Chung Hee)之女的朴槿惠,否认有任何不当行为,称“真相必然会水落石出”。

She was arrested late last month and remains in state custody. Prosecutors have questioned her six times at a detention facility near Seoul.


Her criminal trial is expected to start in a few weeks and could take up to six months. If convicted, Ms Park could spend the rest of her life in jail, but talk of obtaining a pardon from the country’s next leader has already become a hot topic among presidential candidates.


Her dismissal has left South Korea in the hands of Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn ahead of the presidential election pencilled in for May 9. The official campaign period began yesterday, with Moon Jae-in, the runner-up to Ms Park in 2012, leading in opinion polls, ahead of centrist Ahn Cheol-soo.

朴槿惠被弹劾下台后,韩国暂时由总理黄教安(Hwang Kyo-ahn)领导,直到5月9日举行总统大选。官方竞选期于昨天开始,曾在2012年与朴槿惠竞选总统之位的文在寅(Moon Jae-in)目前在民调中领先,其支持率高于中间立场的安哲秀(Ahn Cheol-soo)。

Yesterday, prosecutors also charged Shin Dong-bin, chairman of South Korean conglomerate Lotte Group, with bribery. Mr Shin is accused of providing Won7bn ($6.2m) to Ms Park and Choi in return for business favours. “We find the decision on the indictment regrettable,” Lotte said.

昨天,检方还指控韩国综合企业乐天集团(Lotte Group)董事长辛东彬(Shin Dong-bin)行贿。辛东彬被控向朴槿惠和崔顺实提供了70亿韩元(合620万美元),以换取商业恩惠。乐天表示,“我们对公诉决定感到遗憾。”

Mr Shin is the second-highest profile businessman to be engulfed by the scandal. In February, Samsung Group’s de facto leader Lee Jae-yong was arrested on allegations of bribery, embezzlement and other financial offences. Mr Lee is standing trial amid allegations that Samsung made donations worth nearly $40m to Choi in exchange for business favours. Mr Lee denies any wrongdoing.

辛东彬是卷入该丑闻的知名度第二高的商业人物。2月,三星集团(Samsung Group)事实上的领导人李在镕(Lee Jae-yong)因行贿、挪用公款以及其他财务犯罪的指控被捕。李在镕正在接受庭审,被指让三星向崔顺实做出价值近4000万美元的捐赠,以换取商业恩惠。李在镕否认任何不当行为。

Prosecutors did not charge SK Group chairman, Chey Tae-won, who has faced similar accusations to Mr Shin, because the conglomerate did not pay the bribe allegedly requested by Ms Choi.

SK集团董事长崔泰源(Chey Tae-won)曾面临与辛东彬类似的指控,但检方未向他提出控罪,因为该集团最终并未支付崔顺实据称索要的贿款。

Woo Byung-woo, former senior presidential secretary for civil affairs, was charged yesterday with neglecting his duty by trying to hide the claims against Ms Park. Mr Woo denies the charges.

昨天,青瓦台前民政首席秘书禹柄宇(Woo Byung-woo)被控玩忽职守,试图掩盖针对朴槿惠的指控。他否认这些指控。

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