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央企争做雄安建设排头兵 近三十家已制定相应发展策划

时间: 2017-04-21 08:50; 作者: 作文网 

More than 30 central State-owned enterprises (SOEs) have made plans to seize business opportunities expected from the planned creation of the Xiongan New Area in Hebei, according to the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council last Monday.


Central SOEs including China Telecommunications Corp, China Eastern Airlines, China National Machinery Industry Corp and China Energy Engineering Corp Ltd have all held top management meetings to discuss plans to develop the new area, according to the commission's website.


To ensure sufficient clean energy supplies, China National Offshore Oil Corp said it will build a branch liquefied natural gas pipeline to the Xiongan New Area.


China Merchants Group will support the Xiongan New Area financially in all aspects, including bank loans, bonds, financing and public-private partnership.


The new area has also brought growth opportunities to financial institutions and companies.


China Construction Bank will establish a leading group to coordinate the company's business in the new area in its headquarters in Beijing, as well as setting up a regional branch in the area.


"For central SOEs, carrying out big-ticket projects in the new area is more convenient than conducting similar businesses in overseas markets, it would be easy for them to gain financial and policy support in the domestic market and there are fewer risks," said Li Jin, chief researcher at the Beijing-based China Enterprise Research Institute.


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