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楼价高生活压力大 约七成人欲逃离北上广深

时间: 2017-04-21 08:50; 作者: 作文网 

Soaring housing prices are driving people out of the country's first-tier cities – Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, a new survey shows.


The Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily recently surveyed 2,000 people, who are either currently working or studying, or had previously worked or studied in these first-tier cities about their plans.


The survey found more than 70% had left or were planning to move away.


About 23 percent of respondents had already left the first-tier cities and about 48 percent were planning to leave. Only 21.5 percent were not thinking about leaving, and 7.5 percent hadn't decided.


High house prices was named by more than 64% as their main reason for leaving, while high cost of living, poor air environment, hard work, difficulty getting a hukou and traffic congestion were listed as other reasons.


If move from the first-tier city they live in, 46.7% said they would go to provincial capital cities or other municipalities.


About a quarter would head to prefecture-level cities, while some preferred county towns.


However, the survey also found that 32.4% of respondents who had left the first-tier cities had since returned.


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