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粉色当道 如果男友穿骚粉你还会爱他吗

时间: 2017-04-21 20:50; 作者: 作文网 

Radio 4 show Woman's Hour suggested that pink, traditionally - and irritatingly for many - associated with little girls, is getting a make-over, having been rediscovered by the world's fashion houses.


Jane Monington Boddy, Director Of Colour and Womenswear at ?WGSN, told Woman's Hour host Jane Garvey that the colour has been enjoying a rebirth since 2011.


She explained: 'Pink has been evolving for quite a few years - millennial pink has a duskier shade but we've seen a variety of pinks from millennial to brights. '


'Pink started to make an entrance in 2011. Prior to 2011, I'd only seen it being worn on little girls.' Author of The Secret Lives of Colour, Kassia St Clair, told listeners that the idea of boys wearing pink actually isn't particularly original.


'It's quite a conflicted colour. Pink is basically pale red and you don't really have names for pale yellow or pale green, for example, but somehow faded red got its own label.


'Before the mid 20th century and particularly in the 19th century, if there was a colour more likely to be associated with little boys, it was more likely to be pink because faded red is a very militaristic colour.


'Pale blue because it was associated with the Virgin Mary was a girl's colour. This got muddled over the turn of the century.'


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