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时间: 2017-04-24 15:59; 作者: 作文网 

The NBA is in the midst of a scoring boom as necessary as it is glorious.


That's because pro basketball, already the most predictable of the major American sports, has only gotten easier to forecast in the super-team era.


Barring injury or acts of god, the Cavaliers will likely meet the Warriors in the Finals this June.


I mean, obviously having two, three, or even four star scorers and being a conference-finals-level team is preferable. But, barring that, what's better? Nothing.


Eight teams—the Warriors, Cavs, Bucks, Timberwolves, Suns, Trail Blazers, Raptors, and Wizards—have multiple players averaging at least 20 a game. And more than a dozen

teams pin their hopes, night to night, on a single net-shrefgbing(?) scorer.


Below is a guide to the four different kinds of Lone Stars in the NBA, along with their historical patron saints.


The Force of Nature


The Force of Nature is a player who was already a widely acknowledged MVP-level talent when a systemic shift in team philosophy pushes him to a surreal level of performance

and lifts his team to a surprising level of relevance.


Patron Saint: Point God Michael Jordan, March-May 1989 (32.1 points, 9.2 assists, and 8.3 rebounds)


The second half of Michael Jordan's 1988-89 season is one of the great road-not-taken stretches in NBA history. MJ's air-walking, high-scoring exploits had already made him a

pop culture sensation.


Current Practitioners: Russell Westbrook (30.7 points, 10.5 rebounds, 10.3 assists); James Harden: 28.4 points, 8.3 rebounds, 11.7 assists


We all know that the Thunder once had three stratospheric stars, including Russ and Harden.


What good does it do to revisit how OKC used to contrast Russ's relentless "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" attack with the Beard's loping, off-kilter cerebralism.


So much has already been written about the absurd seasons that these two are having and their intertwined career histories.


They've been empowered to run their teams as, essentially, coaches on the floor. And, as a result, each player is putting up numbers that look like deranged hallucinations

beamed in from an alternate reality that operates by video game rules.


The Rebel


The Rebel is sort of like a potentially to MUYDc Force of Nature. He puts up top-5-player-esque raw numbers, but, due to a variety of reasons, it's unclear whether you would

actually want him on your team.


Maybe the player's statistics curdle under a more rigorous analysis. Maybe the player takes an, at best, part-time interest in defense.


Perhaps the player's personality or off-the-court predilections are a distraction, or his team loses a lot. It could be all of the above.


Patron Saint: Allen Iverson, 1999-2004 (28.7 points, 4.1 assists, 5.2 assists, 2.5 steals)

先驱者:阿伦-艾弗森,1999-2004 (28.7分,4.1篮板,5.2助攻,2.5抢断)

The two emblematic plays of Iverson's career—rookie A.I. crossing up Michael Jeffrey Jordan during a regular-season game, and MVP-season A.I. stepping over the crumpled body

of Tyronn Lue in Game 1 of the 2001 Finals—tell you everything you need to know about his particular place in NBA history.


Iverson didn't simply want to compete against Jordan and the Lakers, he wanted to embarrass both of them. He was a figure of rebellion, a countercultural force.


To be an Iverson fan was to state yourself in opposition to traditions and all who espoused them. Unfortunately, in the long run, those traditionalists are usually right.


Current Practitioner: DeMarcus Cousins (28.1 points, 10 rebounds, 4.2 assists)


Which brings us to Boogie. When focused, he is one of the 10 best players in the NBA. He can post, face-up, and take dudes off the dribble.


Off the court, rebelliousness is a destructive force. Despite the gaudy numbers, the emblematic moment of Boogie's 2016-17 season happened in the locker room.


On December 20, Cousins was fined $50,000 for menacing a Sacramento Bee reporter in an incident caught on tape. Later that night, Boogie buried the Blazers with 55 points and

13 rebounds.


It was the most-Boogie 12 hours in history, and will be until the next most-Boogie thing happens.


The Grandfather Clause


When a storied but fading star's legacy-cementing or victory-lap season (or seasons) threatens to stunt a team's rebuilding process. And there's nothing that anyone can do

about it.


Patron Saint: Kobe Bryant, 2014-15 (22.3 points, 5.7 rebounds, 5.6 assists)

先驱者:科比-布莱恩特,2014-15赛季 (22.3分,5.7篮板,5.6助攻)

Bryant played only 35 games this season before succumbing to a rotator cuff injury. But, even in street clothes, his shadow loomed over the Staples Center. And rightly so.


Kobe scored 81 points in a game, dunked on Yao, dunked on Dwight Howard, dunked on Steve Nash, named himself the "Black Mamba," dunked on Josh Smith, brought joy to Jack

Nicholson's life.


Most importantly, helped the Lakers put five more trophies in their already bulging hardware case. When a player is that important to a franchise, when his legacy tints every

move, it can be difficult to move on.


Current Practitioner: Carmelo Anthony (22.2 points, six rebounds, 3.1 assists)


At 32, Melo is, naturally, showing some signs of slowing down. He's posting his worst shooting percentage (43) since his rookie season.


While Melo's hold-dribble-and-jab iso game can be unsightly, and his lack of defensive desire can be mafgbening(?), he,s still a potent enough scorer.


Make no mistake, I'm no great fan of Melo's style. Watching him jab step for 15 minutes like a horse pawing out his age in the dirt makes my eyelids twitch.


Yet, I can't pin too much of the Knicks current swoon on him.


The common denominator linking the current shitty season with the past 15 years of shitty Knicks seasons is the corrosive effect of New York's institutional dysfunction. Not

Carmelo Anthony.


The Large Adult Ticket


When an MVP-level player puts up ludicrous statistics in service of a losing team stricken by bad luck and mismanagement. With the Large Adult Ticket, a star's prime years

take on a tragic, wasted feel—like screaming poetry into a void.



Patron Saint: Kevin Garnett, 1999-2007 (22.5 points, 12.7 rebounds, 5 assists)


In October 1997, Kevin Garnett, then only 21 years old, signed a six-year, $126 million contract extension with the Timberwolves. It was the richest deal in league history.


And, like anything historic, it had unforeseen consequences.


All these factors, combined with the bad luck of being in a cutthroat Western Conference laden with generational big men (Webber, Shaq, Nowitzki, Duncan, Amar'e for a hot

second), resulted in Garnett and the Wolves' infamous stretch of seven consecutive first-round eMUYDts.


Current Practitioner: Anthony Davis (29 points, 12 rebounds, 2.2 assists, 2.5 blocks, 1.3 steals)


Last season, Pelicans players missed 351 games due to injury, per In Street Clothes. It was the highest mark in the association and more than twice the league average.

上个赛季,根据网站In Street Clothes的记录,鹈鹕球员总共因伤缺席了351场比赛。这是联盟最高纪录,平均值的两倍多。

Naturally, the basic competence of the team's medical and training staff has been fairly called into question.


Davis is signed through 2021 (with an opt-out after 2020). For the good of mankind, the Pelicans must keep Anthony Davis healthy.



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