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时间: 2017-04-29 09:03; 作者: 作文网 

China’s lofty property prices are prompting the country’s tech titans to revive old-school communist policies and help put a roof over their employees’ heads.


While a few decades ago workers were housed in basic accommodation owned by the state, today some of China’s biggest private companies are doling out interest-free loans and subsidies to enable workers to buy their own homes.


Alibaba and Tencent, two of the country’s internet trinity, are among those helping employees buy apartments.


Tencent, the social media group headquartered in the southern boomtown of Shenzhen, offers interest-free loans of up to Rmb500,000 ($72,629) for purchases in Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou — home to some of the country’s priciest real estate — and up to Rmb250,000 in other cities.


Alibaba has gone a step further, building 380 apartments on its campus in Hangzhou — an hour’s train ride from Shanghai — and holding a lottery that gave winning employees the right to buy an apartment at roughly two-thirds the market price.


While the government late last year implemented measures to cool prices, including lifting the minimum deposit required and cracking down on purchases of second homes, Chinese homes are among the world’s least affordable and those in top-tier cities rose 20-30 per cent last year.


CBRE Research estimates it takes 20 years of average net household income to buy a flat in most of China’s top cities.


These costs mean “it’s a struggle for many companies to retain top talent”, says Joe Zhou, head of research at property group JLL China. But he adds that few companies have the financial might of the tech groups to make similar offers.

房地产咨询机构仲量联行(JLL)中国区研究部总监周志锋(Joe Zhou)表示,这样的成本意味着,“对于很多公司而言,要想留住优秀人才很难”。他补充称,很少有公司具备科技公司那样的财力来提供类似的福利。

Last year an average central Shanghai apartment, of 120-130 sq m, cost Rmb15m ($2.2m), according to property consultancy JLL, up from Rmb2.4m a decade ago.


This is one of the biggest issues for entrepreneurs and employees in the city, known as Asia’s Silicon Valley and home to some 11m people.


“Young people?.?.?.?can’t hope to buy a home in Shenzhen,” says Glenn Zhu, founder and chief executive of Shenzhen-based Iown, who graduated 13 years ago thinking he would be a homeowner within five years. “That’s a big problem.”

总部位于深圳的埃微(Iown)的创始人兼首席执行官祝红甲(Glenn Zhu)表示:“年轻人……不敢指望在深圳买房,这是一个大问题。”13年前毕业时他的想法是在5年内买房。

Efforts to retain staff by offering home buying incentives is not restricted to the biggest tech players. Smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi has teamed up with China Vanke, one of the country’s biggest real estate developers, to build flats in Beijing that will be offered to employees, reportedly at steep discounts.

通过提供购房激励来留住员工的不只是大型科技公司。智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)已与中国最大房地产开发商之一万科(China Vanke)合作,将在北京建房,据报道,这些房子将以大幅折扣价卖给员工。

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