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第一夫人之争? 外媒曝伊万卡与继母梅拉尼娅关系冷淡

时间: 2017-05-02 08:39; 作者: 作文网 

Melania and Ivanka have a reported frosty relationship as Trump's eldest daughter has frequently filled the role as First Lady in Melania's absence.


Two unnamed sources said they noticed the president's leading ladies were not getting along, it was revealed last Sunday.


Although a White House spokesperson denied the allegations by saying the two women have always had a close bond and still do, the frigid relationship could stem from Ivanka being a stand-in for First Lady duties.


In a Vanity Fair article centered on the private life of Melania, the magazine claims that two unidentified sources in both fashion and media noticed the cold interactions.


Melania was greeted with disapproving headlines when it was announced she would be staying in New York City with her son Barron for the remainder of the 11-year-old's academic school year, despite Trump moving to Washington DC.


Ivanka on the other hand, quickly rounded up her three children and husband Jared Kushner to move into a 5.5 million dollar home in the exclusive neighborhood of Kalorama. The First Daughter has always been at her father's side.


From being an integral part of his company, to appearing on his Apprentice show and cheering him on during his presidential campaign, Ivanka has been Trump's go-to child and perhaps biggest supporter.


So when Melania, who was absent for a host of campaign rallies and speeches, shied away from her new political duties as First Lady, Ivanka was the clear choice to fill her shoes.


The 35-year-old businesswoman since has appeared at meetings with Chinese leaders, accompanied Trump on his Dover Air Force Base visit and welcomed back a recently freed American charity worker in the Oval Office.


But now Melania seems ready to take back her place at Trump's side. She has been seen more frequently in Washington DC and joined her husband in his first military hospital visit where he awarded an Army veteran with a Purple Heart, last Saturday.


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