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疯狂减肥 Lose Weight In the Crazy Way

时间: 2017-05-04 17:10; 作者: 作文网 
When we walk on the street, we are easy to be attracted by the young and skinny girls. They are thought to have the perfect body shape, which makes them stand out. The commerical ads also implant people the idea that only the skinny body shape can make them beautiful. Thus a lot of people try to lose weight by all means.

To be skinny, a lot of young girls choose to eat less food, some even refuse to eat food. When they are hungry, they are doing other things to distract their attention. It is known to all that having no breakfast will do harm to people’s health. It is not worth to keep thin at the cost of damaging health. 

Some people may say that the celebrities show them the good example of eating less food. But they ignore the fact that these people are under the experts’ direction. Even though they eat less, they keep balanced diet. That’s the secret to keep them beautiful. 

Young girls should be wise and accept who they are. The healthy and confident image bring charm. 

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