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迷你KTV悄然走红 或成为年轻人K歌主流方式

时间: 2017-05-07 15:22; 作者: 作文网 

From Beijing to Shenzhen, mini karaoke houses are being rolled out in shopping malls, cinemas, restaurants and even tourist spots in an effort to win back the past glory of KTV bars.


Equipped with everything singers need in a KTV room, the new glass-enclosed booths covering just 2 sq m can be paid for using apps such as WeChat and Alipay, and will automatically send the saved recordings to users, enabling them to share them on social networking platforms.


Luo Anwu, founder of U-sing mini karaoke, said in a recent interview with NetEase Inc's tech news channel tech 163.com that the karaoke booth catered to people's increasing need for entertainment.

U-sing迷你卡拉OK屋的创始人罗安五在日前接受网易公司科技新闻频道tech 163.com 采访时表示,这种卡拉ok亭迎合了人们对娱乐日益增长的需求。

"Our U-sing mini karaoke offers consumers a place to sing while socializing with their friends or other singers online."


"I predict that the China mini karaoke market will grow to over 1 million houses in three to five years," said Lei Yifeng, WOW mini KTV's product director.


Dang Jianwei, lecturer at Business School at the University of International Business and Economics, said the mini KTV really digs into a new market segment for karaoke lovers, but the key lies in whether they can provide specific services for targeted consumers to improve user experiences.


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