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拿起手机不撒手 日本公司推出防沉迷手机壳

时间: 2017-05-09 12:54; 作者: 作文网 

Here's one way to curb phone addiction.


A Japanese company has created an iPhone case to help parents stop their kids from becoming too addicted to their phones.


The case, called the Otomos, is fixed to the phone and cannot be removed without a special screw.


Otomos pairs up with an app that allows parents to limit the child's daily phone usage. If the child exceeds their daily limit, the phone will automatically enter sleep mode.


Motion detectors built into the case are also able to deactivate the phone automatically while the child is walking.


Otomos, which was created by Momo Ltd, can also send automatic messages to parents' phones if it senses that a significant physical shock, such as an accident, has taken place.

Otomos 由日本Momo公司发明。如果Otomos感受到明显的机械冲击,比如孩子发生了意外,那么它还会自动给家长的手机发送短信。

"We have developed the product after hearing many views and concerns of parents who have children using smartphones," Masato Otsu, president of Momo Ltd, told Kyodo news agency.

Momo公司总裁Masato Otsu告诉日本共同社:“我们征集了许多意见,以及使用智能手机的孩子的家长关心的问题,然后开发了这款产品。”

"All you have to do is just attach the case, so it is very easy to use."


The smartphone case had earlier raised some $8,000 on Japanese crowdfunding platform Makuake.


The company is expected to charge around $5 a month for a two-year contract that includes the case.


As of now, the case seems to be compatible with only iPhones, so if you're an Android family, you'll just have to keep your kids away from their phones some other way.


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