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时间: 2017-05-12 15:31; 作者: 作文网 

South Koreans are heading to the polls to elect a new leader as they look to make a fresh start two months after former President Park Geun-hye was ousted over a sprawling corruption scandal.

韩国人正前往投票站选举新的领导人,在前总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)因一桩不断发酵的腐败丑闻而遭罢免两个月后,他们正寻求翻开新的一页。

Record turnout is expected on Tuesday after Ms Park’s impeachment fuelled citizens’ civic sprit, as voters remain dismayed at the state of the country.


The next president faces the daunting task of restoring trust in political institutions while reviving an economy plagued by surging household debt, high youth unemployment and stagnant wages.


According to opinion polls, Moon Jae-in, a liberal candidate with the Democratic party, holds a 20 percentage point lead over his two main rivals — Hong Joon-pyo, a conservative from Ms Park’s party and former provincial governor, and Ahn Cheol-soo, a centrist with the People’s party and former software mogul.

民调显示,共同民主党(Democratic Party)自由派候选人文在寅(Moon Jae-in)的支持率领先他的两个主要对手洪准杓(Hong Joon-pyo)和安哲秀(Ahn Cheol-soo) 20个百分点。洪准杓是一名来自朴槿惠所在政党的保守派人士,曾任庆尚南道知事。安哲秀是国民之党(People's Party)中间派人士,曾是一名软件业巨头。

A victory for Mr Moon would end nine years of conservative rule by Ms Park and her predecessor Lee Myung-bak. Mr Moon served as chief of staff for late liberal president Roh Moo-hyun but he narrowly lost to Ms Park in the 2012 presidential election.

文在寅一旦获胜,将为朴槿惠及她前任李明博(Lee Myung-bak)长达九年的保守派统治画上句号。文在寅曾任已故自由派总统卢武铉(Roh Moo-hyun)的幕僚长,但在2012年的韩国总统选举中,他以微弱劣势败给了朴槿惠。

Mr Moon, a former human rights lawyer and ex-leader of the main opposition party, has vowed to clean up government and big business in the graft-afflicted nation. He has also pledged to improve inter-Korean relations through more active engagement with North Korea, and is pursuing a two-track approach of dialogue and sanctions to resolve Pyongyang’s nuclear problems.


Voting stations nationwide opened at 6am local time with voter turnout standing at 14 per cent by 10am, according to the National Election Commission. Broadcasters will release the results of exit polls soon after the vote ends at 8pm, with a winner likely to emerge by 3am on Wednesday.

韩国中央选举管理委员会(National Election Commission)称,全国各地的投票站于当地时间早上6时开门,到上午10时投票率达到14%。晚上8时投票结束后,广播电视机构将发布出口民调结果,胜选者很可能会在周三凌晨3时前浮出水面。

Mr Moon, who has been criticised by conservatives for being soft on North Korea, has pledged to reconsider the installation of a US missile shield in South Korea amid an outcry over US President Donald Trump’s remarks that South Korea should pay $1bn for the defence system.

韩国保守派批评文在寅对朝鲜态度软弱。文在寅发誓要重新考虑在韩部署美国导弹防御系统的问题。美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)表示韩国应为该防御系统支付10亿美元,这一说法遭到韩国人的公开抗议。

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