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时间: 2017-05-12 15:31; 作者: 作文网 

The head of BaFin, Germany’s financial watchdog, said he welcomed Chinese investment in the German banking sector, a week after it emerged that Chinese conglomerate HNA had become the biggest single investor in Deutsche Bank.

德国联邦金融监管局(Bafin)局长表示,他欢迎中国在德国银行业的投资,一周前有消息称,中国综合企业海航(HNA)已成为德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)最大单一股东。

Chinese investors have spent billions of euros in Germany in the past few years, but have attracted increasing regulatory scrutiny of late, with the government last year stymieing a bid by a Chinese consortium for the chipmaker Aixtron on security grounds.


Speaking at BaFin’s annual press conference in Frankfurt, Felix Hufeld said he saw Chinese investment as a vote of confidence in Germany’s banking sector.

在德国联邦金融监管局在法兰克福的年度记者会上发表演讲时,菲利克斯?胡费尔德(Felix Hufeld)表示,他认为中国的投资是对德国银行业投下的信任票。

“It is basically a positive story that capital finds it interesting to invest in German banks and of course [that includes] foreign capital, and of course [that includes] Chinese capital,” he said. “BaFin has no blacklist of which countries can in principle invest here.”


HNA disclosed last week that it had boosted its stake in Deutsche to 9.9 per cent, putting it ahead of US investment group BlackRock, which has a 5.9 per cent stake. The Qatari royal family holds between 8 and 10 per cent of Germany’s largest lender via two investment vehicles.


C-Quadrat, the asset manager through which HNA bought its stake, has made clear that HNA has no intention of raising its stake beyond 10 per cent, the threshold above which BaFin has to approve stake purchases.


Asked whether BaFin scrutinised investments such as HNA’s that came close to, but did not breach the 10 per cent threshold, Mr Hufeld said BaFin could not change the levels at which it was legally allowed to rule on investments, but stressed that the watchdog was paying close attention to market developments.


“We have carried out reviews very intensively in a series of cases. We take the owner control process very seriously,” he said.


“[The arrival of foreign capital] is a general process of internationalisation of the investor base which we are also seeing in other industries, but which in a regulated industry like banking or finance triggers certain reviews?.?.?.?We look at what is happening, we meet such people [who want to invest], we want to get an impression [of them], we want to know who we are dealing with.”


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