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科学家研发出人造子宫 可助早产儿在子宫外存活

时间: 2017-05-14 17:46; 作者: 作文网 

Doctors from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia have invented an artificial womb to support critically premature babies, according to a study published in Nature Communications.


In their experiment, six premature lambs were placed in artificial wombs immediately after caesarean deliveries at the equivalent of 23 weeks human gestation.


In the biobag, the lambs were immersed in a substitute amniotic fluid containing nutrients and chemicals designed to stimulate growth.


While floating inside the transparent plastic vessel - in some cases for four weeks - the lambs appeared to develop normally, transforming from bald, pink fetuses into fleecy, white newborns.


Doctors said that the pioneering approach could radically improve outcomes for human babies born so early that they cannot breathe, feed or fight infection without medical help.


"If we can support growth and organ maturation for only a few weeks, we can dramatically improve outcomes for extremely premature babies," Alan Flake, a foetal surgeon at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and lead author said.


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