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滴滴出行双语功能上线 方便跨境人群移动出行

时间: 2017-05-18 07:49; 作者: 作文网 

Chinese on-demand mobility giant Didi Chuxing announced last Monday the launch of bilingual functions on its app in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to serve foreigners as part of the company's globalization strategy.


Users in the three cities will have access to an English language interface upon installing or upgrading to the latest version of the Didi app, according to the company.


The app also enables real-time, in-app instant text messaging translation between English and Chinese.


Users will also have access to bilingual customer service support via email and phone.


Over 28 million international tourists visited China in 2016, up 8.3 percent year-on-year, with over 900,000 foreign citizens working in China, official data showed.


To better serve China's growing international community, the Didi app now supports payment via major international credit cards.


Didi said it will upgrade its apps on the App Store and Android app markets in other countries so that more travelers can use bilingual services upon arrival in China.

滴滴称,该公司将升级其他国家的App Store和安卓应用市场的滴滴应用,使更多游客在到访中国时能够使用双语服务。

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