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时间: 2017-05-19 10:27; 作者: 作文网 

i like Vietnam , so i want know how do Vietnamese people view China now? i know we have some conflicts.


We think that China will have a bright future if China could unify her people and avoid any destructive wars in China or near China. We hope that Vietnam and China will be peaceful and prosperous and have a good relationship.

我们认为如果中国能够统一人民并且避免其内部以及周边发生破坏性战争的话,中国将有光明的未来。 我们希望越南和中国能和平繁荣,并建立友好关系。

We think that Chinese people are smart, clever, ambitious, good at bussiness( love money so much). I want that Vietnamese people will have good traits like the Chinese.


We know that China is investing everywhere, in Africa, in Europe, in America, in Asia. China wants to make a lot of money.


We know that China has achieved an amazing result in a short time to become the second biggest economy in the world. China has cored well on PISA, IQ test. We want to imitate China. When i compare India with China, i feel that the Chinese are amazing. They are proud, nationalistic. The Chinese are more cunning than Vietnamese.


We know that Vietnam shares many similarities to China. We have learned a lot from China. Eating dog meat, The Lunar New Year Celebration, Communism, Confucian values, Family matters, save “face”,…


We often watch martial films from China. The journey to the West, Three Kingdoms, All men are brothers,… A lot of young people read novels from China like the Scholars by Wu Jingzi, The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants by Shi Yukun, 步步驚心, 抱歉你只是妓-女, 曾许诺/曾許諾,… They are so good. I like to watch chinese films, but I am lazy to read chinese novels. Chinese music is good too. We know a lot of Chinese singers. Chinese singers, actors are more famous in Vietnam than other nations. We know Zhao Wei (赵薇), 章子怡,... We rarely know Japanese singers or Indian singers,… China is the best in these aspects. Hope that more good films, novels from China.


We are more or less like the Chinese. We are proud, nationalistic. We know that China wants to control trades, fishes, resources on the South China Sea. China thinks for herself but we think for ourselves, China is so large, we are so small. We must keep our small islands on the South China Sea. We have a tradition to fight a lot of wars. If China is powerful, technology and science will make Vietnam strong enough to do something. The South China Sea is very important to China, but it is very important to Vietnam, also. The third side is clever. China could make false excuses or cunning tricks to claim our small islands. Vietnam is not Mexico.


Chinese government is smart, effective and thinks ahead. They want a stronger, richer China. If you hate Chinese Government, look at India. There are so many people who love China in CPC. But to treat Vietnam badly is not good, it will hurt reputation of China and arouse hatred, conflicts. We are a small China. China restricts freedom but they have their own reasons. They control a lot of things effectively like population, Hong Kong,… They need more effort in Tibet, TW,..


China has copied and drawn lessons from the US, the West, history. They are smart in these points. The Chinese are hard-working, practical and have a result-oriented attitude. China has to cope with high polution. We don’t like fake, poisonous products, high polution from China. China should improve these problems, if not, people have a lot of reasons to complain about China.


We know that China has to deal with the West, the US, India,… It is difficult for China to maintain their economy, political stability,… We want that peace for China, Asia, Vietnam to develop economy,… Road to the glory is hard and long. China often compares itself with the US to compete. Vietnam wants to learn from Germany to become a better country.


Chinese girls are smart, beautiful. I want to praise the Chinese girls because there are so many guys in China.


We don’t want that China will interfere our internal politics and problems or uses Cambodia to cause troubles for us.


For Vietnam, China is a large, populous, old country. It is not easy for Vietnam to trust China because of conflicts, past,… We don’t regard China as our enemy. Don’t believe in fools if they say something like that China is our enemy. We don’t want more troubles from China when we treat China as our enemy. Don’t surprise if Vietnamese people say bad things about China. It is normal because we are proud and nationalistic, know bad things about China, have conflicts with China. If nobody in Vietnam said bad things about China, the Vietnamese would hate Vietnam and didn’t care about the South China Sea. Even people in Hong Kong , Taiwan have badmouthed about China. A lot of the Chinese also have badmouthed about Vietnam on the Internet. But “to be cautious with silent dogs”. We regard China with prudence and doubt. We know our strength. But we hope that China will be great, rich, peaceful, prosperous. We are near China. We could study abroad in China. We hope that China will have better universities. Itis too far to study abroad in the US or the West. This will be the key for the development of China if they have top universities.


The Chinese could read poems or books about 2000 years ago, this is amazing. I could not read a lot of Vietnamese authors about 1000 years ago in a original language. A lot of Vietnamese people know Mandarin. If i was very young, i would learn Mandarin. I know a lot of kanjis.


You will surprise if i say bad things about China to make people hate China. But i sometime restrain myself. We know that we are more or less like the Chinese. I have seen and read enough bad things about China on the Internet. Sometimes, it is not true. I don’t want to add more.


I speak this only for myself, but I know that many people in Vietnam share all or some of my thoughts.


I admire China for her natural beauty. Please do a good job preserving that beauty.


I admire China for coming from an under-developed country to a space-nation. We Vietnamese want to be like that one day.


I thank China for giving us Bruce Lee, Liu Yifei, Zhao Wei, Shu Qi, Faye Wong, etc.


But that’s the end of it.


I hate China because many Chinese traders came and is coming to Vietnam to do scam. I know there are many good Chinese traders, but only the bad ones stand out.


I hate China for her overaggressive behavior, claiming everything for herself. Unlike the US, China has no “real” allies, even her neighbors.


I hate China for ruining many beautiful natural site, for its unbreathable air and undrinkable water.


I hate Chinese for being loud, not being polite, spitting everywhere, etc.


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