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最新报告指出 北京深圳上海金融实力居国内前三名

时间: 2017-05-21 13:06; 作者: 作文网 

The latest report by a think tank has revealed Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai are the top cities in China with the highest level of financial development, as well as support for innovation and entrepreneurship.


According to the Innovator and Entrepreneur Finance Index, which was published by the Shenzhen-based China Development Institute last Thursday, Beijing scored the highest rank of 77.18, which was then followed by Shenzhen, taking home 59.52, and Shanghai with 55.15.


Hangzhou and Guangzhou then ranked fourth and fifth, but lagged behind the first three cities, scoring only 32.97 and 31.06 respectively.


Other cities in the top 10 list included Chengdu, Suzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin and Chongqing.


The results were based on 46 indicators across four aspects – the development of financial institutions, financial markets, financial services and financial ecology.


As Beijing ranked the highest score in all aspects, it was labeled as the most financially-developed city for innovation and entrepreneurship, according to the report.


Although Shenzhen has advantages in the development of financial markets and financial ecology, its financial services are not as favorable as Shanghai's and Hangzhou's.


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