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Believe Youself作文200字

时间: 2017-05-25 10:22; 作者: 作文网 

Believe Youself

  When we intend to do a thing, we adapt to listening to others' advice. Today we have accepted many advices but we still think our lives are not good.

  There is a interesting, which some people like to tell you how to do. But if you act on their ideas and fail, they are never willing to be responsibility for your fail and say:" It has nothing to do with me." Hence, we shouldn't let others' words dispose our fate. Of course, you can find some your mistakes from others' advice. But you need to know who will make a decision finally. If we act on our plans and fail, we won't feel regretful. But if you act on others' plans and fail, you will regret and complain.

  Finally, fail is not horrible for us, it is more terrible that you fear to believe yourself.

  • 上一篇:别让言语掩盖了你的真心作文450字
  • 下一篇:小悲伤作文500字
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