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The Social Responsibility Of Journalists作文250字

时间: 2017-05-30 08:50; 作者: 作文网 

The Social Responsibility Of Journalists

  There is no doubt that every person should realize own the social responsibility. Today I want to talk about the social responsibility of journalists.

  Today many newspapers are full of many explosive news, but then you see it clearly, you will found it is different from your imagination. Many journalists who lack social responsibility want to create wholesale news willfully. They never consider if these words are reasonable, which weaken the reality of news and let masses lose faith in journalists. As a journalist, the aim just spread true news faster, let public know the reality of the event.

  Everyone should know what to do, we engage in our career never aims for climbing ladders.

  • 上一篇:不是学生很久了作文500字
  • 下一篇:生活如此美好作文500字
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