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The Safety Problem of Vaccine作文200字

时间: 2017-06-04 08:40; 作者: 作文网 

The Safety Problem of Vaccine

  Now more and more people start to accuse of the safety problem of vaccine. In recent years, there are many news that some unqulified vaccines come into the market.

  Today masses begin to become more and more panicky, some people resist being vaccinate. Our government also validate some laws and try its best to avoid that people lose faith in vaccines. These events have alarmed to relevant departments, they need to keep careful for works. Then these events' reasons never individual mistakes but collective neglect. The accidence has appeared and we can't return the past time, but we still have chance to avoid samiliar problems.

  Although these events have a terrible influence at abroad and home, but we shouldn't give up the hope and trust because of some cases.

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