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喀布尔使馆区遭卡车炸弹袭击 80人遇难

时间: 2017-06-04 08:40; 作者: 作文网 

A truck bomb ripped through the diplomatic area of Kabul yesterday, killing at least 80 and wounding hundreds of others in the deadliest attack in the Afghan capital for months.


The blast, which took place during rush hour near the German embassy, was the latest in a wave of attacks to hit Kabul that have exposed the government’s fragile grip on security and put pressure on US president Donald Trump to commit more troops to the conflict.

爆炸事件发生在交通高峰时段,地点在德国大使馆附近,这是针对喀布尔的一波袭击的最新一起。这些袭击暴露出政府在安全方面掌控脆弱,并给美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)带来压力,要求他向这场冲突投入更多兵力。

Afghanistan’s security has deteriorated as the US has drawn down the number of its soldiers deployed in the country from a peak of more than 100,000 six years ago to about 8,600.


Both the Taliban and Isis have struck the capital in recent months, including an attack outside the Supreme Court in February that killed at least 20. The Taliban denied it was behind yesterday’s attack. No other group claimed responsibility.


Ashraf Ghani, the Afghan president, condemned the “cowardly attack in the holy month of Ramadan targeting innocent civilians in their daily life”.

阿富汗总统阿什拉夫?加尼(Ashraf Ghani)谴责了“在斋月期间针对从事日常生活的无辜平民进行的懦夫般的袭击”。

Most of those killed were Afghans, but one of the victims was a security guard at the German embassy. Other embassy staff were wounded, said Sigmar Gabriel, Germany’s foreign minister. Several other embassies, including the French, Turkish and Chinese missions, were also damaged.

大多数遇难者是阿富汗人,但其中一个受害者是德国大使馆的保安人员。德国外交部长西格马尔?加布里尔(Sigmar Gabriel)表示,还有一些使馆工作人员受伤。法国、土耳其和中国等其他几个大使馆也遭到损坏。

“Such attacks do not change our resolve in continuing to support the Afghan government in the stabilisation of the country,” Mr Gabriel said.


Figures from the UN showed that last year was the deadliest in terms of civilian casualties in Afghanistan since it began recording data in 2009, with 3,498 civilians killed and 7,920 wounded — a 3 per cent rise on 2015. A recent report by John Sopko, the US special inspector-general for Afghanistan reconstruction, said more than 800 Afghan security forces died in the first six weeks of this year. Mr Sopko said in the report: “Afghanistan remains in the grip of a deadly war. Casualties suffered by the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces in the fight against the Taliban and other insurgents continue to be shockingly high.”

联合国数据表明,自2009年开始记录数据以来,去年是阿富汗平民遭受最严重伤亡的一年,有3498名平民死亡,7920名平民受伤,比2015年上升3%。美国的阿富汗重建特别监察长约翰?索普科(John Sopko)最近在一份报告中表示,今年头六周就有800多名阿富汗军警死亡。索普科在报告中说:“阿富汗仍然深陷一场你死我活的战争。阿富汗国防军和安全部队在打击塔利班和其他叛乱分子时遭受的伤亡仍然高得令人震惊。”

The deteriorating security situation has caused Mr Trump to consider whether to send thousands of additional troops to the country, a move that would commit the US, at least for the medium term, to a conflict that is already by some counts its longest ever. The US invaded Afghanistan in the wake of the 2001 September 11 attacks.


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