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The Lifestyle of Modern People作文250字

时间: 2017-06-06 07:35; 作者: 作文网 

The Lifestyle of Modern People

  Urban poplation increase costantly as process of urbanization develops. People have adapted to the fast-paced lifestyle and act on many plans. It seems that no one remember Utopian ideas.

  Alough we don't think our lives are good, we still choose to continue to bear. Freedom just exist in politican words. We don't want to speak to people who we don't like, but we still do for making a living. For a long time, we can hold it on, then we enjoy in it. We start to like to run and catch to the time which is elapsing. Maybe it just life, which is simple and natural. Alough the world can't be changed, we can change ourselves.

  Life adds to many things which we hate, but we still adhere to it. However terrible the thing is, we always find the way to solute it.

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