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时间: 2017-06-09 17:02; 作者: 作文网 

Theresa May has vowed to step up Britain’s fight against Islamist extremism after a third terrorist attack in three months left seven dead and 48 injured in the heart of London. “Enough is enough,” the prime minister declared.

英国首相特里萨梅(Theresa May)发誓要加大打击伊斯兰极端主义的力度。此前,伦敦市中心发生了英国3个月来的第三次恐怖袭击,导致7人丧生、48人受伤。梅宣称:“我们受够了。”

Mrs May warned Britain to be prepared for further copycat attacks by a new breed of low-tech terrorists. “Terrorism breeds terrorism,” she said, adding: “We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are.”


She outlined key areas for potential action, covering tougher penalties for extremists, stronger counter-terrorism laws and increased pressure on tech companies to crack down on “safe spaces” online used by jihadi plotters.


The prime minister said Britain’s general election would take place as planned on Thursday but voting will take place under the pall of a new atrocity, this time aimed at people enjoying a warm evening out.


Mrs May’s response to the London Bridge attack marked a sharp change in rhetoric, as she spoke of defeating the country’s “enemies” and saying that recent attacks were “bound together by the single evil ideology of Islamist extremism”.

梅对伦敦桥(London Bridge)恐怖袭击的回应标志着其措辞发生巨大变化,她谈到挫败英国的“敌人”,还称近期的袭击“由伊斯兰极端主义这一个邪恶的意识形态绑定在一起”。

She admitted the threat would “not be defeated by the maintenance of a permanent defensive counter-terrorism operation” and that tech companies should now shoulder their responsibilities to end the “safe space” for terrorists online.


Mrs May, speaking outside Number 10, also announced a review of existing police and security powers, longer jail sentences for lesser terrorist offences, and a commitment to tackle extremism in what she called “segregated” communities.


On Sunday evening the Muslim Council of Britain spoke out against the series of attacks, saying: “This is the third time in as many months: they are truly shocking and we condemn them in the strongest terms.

上周日晚,英国穆斯林协会(Muslim Council of Britain)发声反对这一系列袭击事件,称“这是数月来发生的第三次:它们真的令人震惊,我们对此予以最强烈的谴责”。

“Muslims everywhere are outraged and disgusted at these cowards who once again have destroyed the lives of our fellow Britons,” the council said. It called on mosques to increase their vigilance against extremists, to ensure that they should have “no hiding place”, and declared: “The actions of these terrorists are completely, totally and utterly outside the rules and spirit of Islam.”


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