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时间: 2017-06-15 11:20; 作者: 作文网 


  Today many people drown in vanity in our society, people like to compare and chase something which is blank. This kind of wind is eroding our society, but we never care for it and enjoy in it.

  First, this ideal will let people become more and more material, they will think money and stuff are the most important and neglect the real meaning of life. Old tradition, cordial emotion, and precious treasure of spirite will lose in this wave. However, it is worse that the problem is anything but simple. It also influences others, such as children. Now many children start to chase fashionable clothes, but they don't konw what it is unfashionable. They are so young that they lack the competence of distinguishing. They are easy to accept some wrong opinions which is nothing but harm. But these unenlightened people don't know their unenlightened opinions will let others become unenlightened which is just like themselves.

  I hope everyone can find the real meaning of life but down in the material swamp.

  • 上一篇:驾校的生活作文350字
  • 下一篇:人间好时节作文350字
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