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时间: 2017-06-28 11:40; 作者: 作文网 

The White House told Russia on Monday that it reserves 'the right to self defense' after the Kremlin warned it would track US-led coalition aircraft in Syria as potential 'targets' and halted an incident-prevention hotline with Washington after US forces downed a Syrian jet.

克里姆林宫警告说,它将追踪美国领导的在叙利亚的作战飞机 并将其作为潜在的“目标”(标靶),并在美国军队击落一架叙利亚政府军飞机后,停止与华盛顿的紧急事件预防热线。之后,白宫在周一告诉俄罗斯,美方将保留“自卫权”。

'I think that the escalation of hostilities among the many factions that are operating in this region doesn't help anybody' White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said 'and the Syrian regime and the others in the regime need to understand that we will retain the right to self defense of coalition forces aligned against ISIS.'


Spicer told a reporter later that he was not saying the US is on the brink of war with Russia amid an escalation in tensions that came after the Syrian government attacked a US-backed group that is fighting ISIS.


The US says an SU-22 operated by the Syrian regime was dropping bombs on the Syrian Democratic Forces when it was shot out of the sky by a U.S. F/A-18E Super Hornet.

美方称,由叙利亚政府军操作的苏22在被美国F / A-18E超级大黄蜂击落时,正在向叙利亚民主力量部队投掷炸弹。

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