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To Be a Outstanding Leader作文350字

时间: 2017-07-03 10:19; 作者: 作文网 

To Be a Outstanding Leader

  There is no doubt that everyone wants to be a leader or a stakeholder in a big company. However, the reality always different from your dreams. First, you need to know what qualities you should have.

  If you want to get the respect from others, you need to respect them first. Don't be biased against some people. Then they can accept the reality which you are dominant over the company. They will be eager to work hard for you. Because money can't rise their stamina constantly. Remember to make a standardized process for every thing. If a man isn't entitled to enter a room, he can't enter by all means. Different sectors have their specialized appraisals. Company is by no means tolerate a lazy person. As a leader, you shouldn't be susceptible to other elements. Don't have any speculative ideals. Many people fail because of being obsessed with taking shortcuts.

  A really good boss can be exposed his advantages and disadvantages to others but achieve his objects by means of sacrificing others' benefits.

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