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时间: 2017-07-06 11:53; 作者: 作文网 

The surge of elation that swept through New York City at the announcement of Phil Jackson's departure on Wednesday morning was well-earned, given the Zen Master's dismal and bumbling tenure as Knicks president.


But it will also prove to be short-lived. Soon enough, the cleaning crews will be called in to sweep up the champagne-soaked confetti at the "Phil is gone!" victory parties and the franchise's bleak reality and future will become all-consuming again.


Bad management in the NBA can leave a stain that takes years to wash away.


The Nets moved on from boom-or-bust Billy King last summer and are probably another three years from competing for a playoff spot.


The Lakers are more than four painful and fruitless years removed from the death of legendary owner Dr. Jerry Buss, and they're only now beginning to be taken seriously by All-Star level free agents.


No matter which executive follows Jackson—whether it's dream candidate Masai Ujiri or someone else—his primary job will be to undo Jackson's damage, to unwind his many failings and miscalculations.


Let's examine how the next few months and years should unfold.


1. Make things right with Kristaps Porzingis

1. 赶紧纠正对波尔津吉斯犯下的错误

Porzingis was forced to play for three coaches in two years, he was unnecessarily marginalized on offense, he was fed dated opinions about the value of his three-point shooting, he watched as Jackson publicly squabbled with Carmelo Anthony, and he saw preferred assistant coach Josh Longstaff let go.


This is no way to treat a garden-variety lottery pick, let alone a unicorn with the potential to be a top-five player once he hits his prime. Jackson's replacement must go to Porzingis with hat in hand, unconditionally apologizing for everything and pledging to put Porzingis first as New York turns its attention to the future.


2. Publicly apologize to Carmelo Anthony

2. 给卡梅罗-安东尼公开道歉

The Anthony situation is a complicated one that could still be resolved in multiple ways:


an immediate buyout, a trade now or later, or a painful wait until his contract ends in July 2019. Given Anthony's trade clause, Jackson's replacement is likely to run into the same problems as Jackson when it comes to generating an acceptable trade market for Anthony.


Before the Knicks get to any of that, though, they need to accept responsibility for Jackson's shabby treatment of Anthony in recent months. If a trade doesn't materialize before Jackson's replacement is selected, New York should publicly apologize to Anthony for Jackson's attempts to push him out the door.


Remember, the National Basketball Players Association was so irked by Jackson's comments that it called on NBA commissioner Adam Silver to step in.


Jackson was never going to swallow his pride. His successor should for the betterment of the 2017–18 Knicks (if Anthony is still in the fold) and the franchise's reputation as a whole.


3. Move on from Anthony quickly

3. 尽早从安东尼这页翻篇

Jackson reached the correct conclusions about Anthony: he stops the ball too much, he would be better off on a winning team, and New York's future would be brighter without him.


Structuring a team around Anthony and Porzingis would be a misalignment from an age, skillset and ego standpoint. The time is now for Porzingis to hold the car keys without Anthony's shadow looming over him.


4. Let the Derrick Rose experiment die

4. 终止德里克-罗斯的试验

Jackson's trade for Derrick Rose last summer was a desperate stab at relevance. It didn't work. Rose missed 18 games, he posted an atrocious 111.1 defensive rating, he proved once again to be a non-shooter and his assist rate is going in the wrong direction.


Let someone else deal with his night-to-night inconsistency, his chronic injury issues, his lack of three-point range and the possibility that he might wind up in court and/or bail on his team without warning.


For a rebuilding team with a rookie point guard to groom and plenty of free-agent alternatives available, keeping Rose makes zero sense.


5. Ban the word "Triangle"

5. 不要再提这个词:“三角进攻”

The players will be elated and the local media will be able to move on to something else. Pretty simple.


6. Vouch for and retain Jeff Hornacek

6. 担保留下杰夫-霍纳塞克

While Jackson's replacement might have his own ideas about a future head coach, Hornacek had enough success early during his Phoenix tenure to warrant a second season to prove himself.


In a best-case scenario, Hornacek steps out of Jackson's shadow to craft a fun, exciting and modern offense around Porzingis. In a worst-case scenario, New York falls victim to its lack of talent and and poor roster construction and cruises to a top lottery pick.


Either way, Hornacek can serve as a place-holder and stagger the amount of organizational turnover and save Dolan a little money. Why pay a new coach to oversee a season that's guaranteed to get ugly anyway?


7. Liquidate Courtney Lee

7. 清算考特尼-李

This will feel like wheel-spinning, given that Jackson signed Courtney Lee to a four-year, $48 million contract less than a year ago, but the 31-year-old shooting guard is better off elsewhere and the Knicks are better off not paying the balance of his deal.


8. Commence buyout talks with Joakim Noah

8. 开始诺阿的买断谈判

While properly ranking Jackson's worst moves would take hours of exacting research, shelling out $72 million dollars over four years to past-his-prime center Joakim Noah last summer almost certainly tops the list.


Noah's first season in New York was sidetracked by major injuries, poor production and a 20-game suspension for violating the league's anti-drug policy.


With Jackson in place, there was little hope that the Noah problem would go away because that contract was too big of a mistake for someone with Jackson's ego to admit this quickly.


However, Jackson's replacement could response to Noah's untradeable status by buying him out or using the stretch provision to limit his salary cap damage.


9. Tank

9. 摆烂

Surprise, surprise, the Knicks are stuck on the outside looking in again when it comes to the top talents. Who could have foreseen star players being smart enough to avoid Jackson's outdated philosophies and off-putting behavior? (Everyone, of course.)


New York drafted an intriguing point guard in Frank Ntilikina in this year's lottery to add to an under-25 core that includes Porzingis and Willy Hernangomez.


With all due respect to Porzingis's All-Star potential, that group isn't going anywhere next year. The best of New York's bad options for next year is the same as it was when Jackson first arrived: race to the bottom and pray to the lottery gods that the ping pong balls fall favorably.


10. Extend a tree's worth of olive branches to Charles Oakley

10. 伸一棵有足够多橄榄枝的树给查尔斯-奥克利

This might be the toughest sell of all, in light of Dolan's stubbornness and his history with Charles Oakley, but New York isn't getting anywhere if it continues to have a rotten image.


The defining moment of the Knicks season came when Oakley was hauled out of Madison Square Garden by security in one of the league's worst moments in years.


As with the Porzingis and Anthony situations above, Jackson's successor must work to restore the Knicks' credibility and likeability vis a vis Oakley. Maybe the bridge is too burned for reconciliation at this point, but it's worth a shot.


If the Knicks carefully follow all 10 of those steps this summer, they just might be worth watching by 2020 and, more importantly, they might not be the league's poster child for dysfunction next season.



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