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Should Nuclear Power Plants Continue to be Built?作文300字

时间: 2017-07-09 22:31; 作者: 作文网 

Should Nuclear Power Plants Continue to be Built?

  As the technologies of reactor develop constantly, more and more countries begin to use nuclear power. However, people start to use nuclear power. However, people start to hesitate after a range of security problems appearing. Regulator still decide to reconstruct some reactors after some experts reevaluating. But some refutations from masses become their barriers.

  First, there is no doubt that nuclear power can provide huge electric power for us. But it is also important for us if it is safe. If the radiation harms our health, we must oppose to built them. Although the government reaffirm experts have evaluated in times, people still not believe it rapidly. They always think there are many things questionable. On the contrary, the officers think there is no quirk.

  I don't know how the plan come along, I only hope some experts can check up these problems clearly. Because a little problem could become a big catastrophe.

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