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A book I like作文400字

时间: 2017-07-22 09:21; 作者: 作文网 

A book I like

  A lot of people asked me which book was my favorite one ,and I always proudly answered them <Memories of Peking:South Side Stories>

  First time ,I touched this book is when I was 11 years old.

  My mother bought it for me as a gift .And I like it very much .This book is written by Lin Hai Yin .In this book ,it tells something interesting about the city ——Beijing. Read the book ,as if experience by myself .

  When Lin was young ,she lived in south of the city ,and the story begin with this. This book incledes 5 stories .And Lin Hai Yin describe a lovely girl called Lin Ying Zi, which is the main person of this novel .In my opinion.The interesting stories are the first and second one .The first story tells about a woman called Xiu Zhen.She always stands in lane to find her daughter .She is the first friend that Ying Zi met.

  Later Ying Zi's family moved.In new place, she made friend with a young man at the break garden. The young man had to steal for his brother's fee.But Ying Zi always thought he is a better man .And she alwaye believe him. At least ,the police caught the young man.That made Ying Zi regret.

  Finally,Ying Zi's father died because of illness,when Ying Zi graduated. When I read this page ,Icried.I am moved by it.

  • 上一篇:八年级关于梦想的作文:我的梦,中国梦
  • 下一篇:坐秋千作文400字
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