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时间: 2018-01-08 21:08; 作者: 作文网 

Despite the best-selling book by Ernest Cline only being released in 2011, there is already a feature film rendition of Ready Player One, scheduled to come out in March 2018. This film, like the novel, takes place in a dystopian future world that is in shambles, which leads people to engage and live/work in a virtual reality world.
The main character of the film takes on an “Easter Egg” challenge to try and win the $240 billion fortune of the deceased owner of the virtual world. Of course, other people want to win the challenge as well. The film is directed by the masterful Steven Spielberg, so it should be a good one, since he has a great history with making great sci-fi and adventure films (E.T., Jaws, Raiders of The Lost Ark, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, etc.).
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is about to get a bit larger, as Black Panther is scheduled to release in February 2018. Based off the comic book character of the same name, the Black Panther has already been seen in the MCU before, appearing in Captain America: Civil War. However, this will the first feature film for the mysterious hero from Wakanda.
Black Panther takes place after the events of Captain America: Civil War where King T’Challa returns home to his mysterious (fictional) African nation, where two enemies are trying to take down his kingdom. Like all of their major movie projects, Marvel/Disney is heavily marketing this film and it is garnering a lot of hype. And like all of their films, Black Panther is sure to succeed at the box office and be another feather in the cap of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It should also lead directly into another movie further down this list.
When Deadpool was released in 2016, it shocked everyone — both with glowing critical reviews and a massive box office haul. The film made nearly $800 million at the box office and won a ton of awards as well (well, not Oscars, but some fun other ones). The sequel is scheduled to be released in June 2018 and is sure to be another R-rated hit.
Much of the same cast is returning (T.J. Miller and Morena Baccarin chief among them) and you can be sure it will have more of the same crude jokes and over-the-top violence that made Deadpool unlike any other superhero movies of our time. Josh Brolin has signed on to play the villainous Cable and Zazie Beetz will give the mutant character Domino her big screen debut. Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus will both be back, as well. The original Deadpool benefited from a very creative and successful marketing campaign, so don’t be shocked to see another viral marketing campaign crop up sometime after New Year.
Despite an overwhelming number of big sequels and superhero films being released in 2018 (and every year, it seems), one upcoming original film that has piqued a lot of interest is Annihilation. It stars Natalie Portman as a biologist who puts her name forward for an expedition that will take her and a team of other individuals into an environmental disaster zone. Part of her motivation is to find her missing husband, who made a similar expedition and went missing.
The area is cut off from the rest of civilization and other people who have visited in the past have disappeared, committed suicide, or had other unfortunate things happen to them. The film is based off of a very successful 2014 book by Jeff VanderMeer, which was awarded Best Novel award by a handful of different publications. The movie will be directed by Alex Garland, who wrote screenplays 28 Days Later and Dredd, and directed the excellent 2015 sci-fi hit Ex Machina.
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