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时间: 2018-03-29 08:32; 作者: 作文网 

I meet Reny Morsch in her tutor’s office at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in central London, where she is studying to become a costume maker for film and theatre. She is dressed in black, with her blonde hair dip-dyed blue, and we are surrounded by overflowing boxes of accessories, bracelets and earrings: one is labelled “sparkly bits”, another “bits and bobs”.

在位于伦敦市中心的皇家戏剧学院(Royal Academy of Dramatic Art),我见到了雷尼?莫尔希(Reny Morsch),她在这里学习电影和戏剧服装制作。见面地点在她导师的办公室,她穿着一身黑,金发染成了蓝色。我们站在一大堆箱子中间,箱子里堆满了饰品、手镯和耳环。有个箱子上的标签写着“亮晶晶的小玩意”,另一个上面贴着“零零碎碎”。

Ms Morsch is one of five people the Financial Times is following over a year as they make a mid-life career switch.


This glittery, organised chaos is a very different work environment to the financial world where Ms Morsch worked for more than 30 years. When she originally embarked on a banking career, it was a “solid profession?.?.?.?that’s what my parents thought.” First, she worked in Frankfurt as a forex trader and then for Deutsche B?rse in London.

这个闪闪发光、乱中有序的工作环境与莫尔希工作了30多年的金融界截然不同。当她最初步入银行业时,这是一个“稳定的职业……我父母就希望这个。”她一开始是在法兰克福担任外汇交易员,后来就职于德意志交易所(Deutsche B?rse),在伦敦工作。

Her postgraduate course at Rada finishes in the summer and Ms Morsch hopes it will equip her with the skills to switch to the creative industries. It is a big leap from the relative security of regular salaries and bonuses to freelance work and reduced earnings. Moreover, at 51, she will be competing with younger peers for paid gigs.


While the risks are clear — and Ms Morsch has considered them all, at length — she is making a transition to a creative career that those trapped at their desks may envy.


The switch has turned costume-making, something she describes as once a “passionate hobby”, into a career. And it means she no longer suffers that common mid-life paralysis of indecision over which career path to take next.


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