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若不遏制全球变暖 2050年逾1.4亿人将被迫迁移

时间: 2018-03-29 08:32; 作者: 作文网 

Climate change will push over 143 million people from Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America to migrate to escape the "slow onset impact" of climate change by 2050, if countries do not take any measures to curb it, said a latest report by the World Bank Group.


"Increasingly, we are seeing climate change become an engine of migration, forcing individuals, families and even whole communities to seek more viable and less vulnerable places to live," said World Bank CEO Kristalina Georgieva.


The report finds that internal climate migration will likely rise through 2050 and then accelerate unless there are significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and robust development action.


People will migrate from less viable areas with lower water availability and crop productivity, and from areas affected by rising sea levels and storm surges.


"The number of climate migrants could be reduced by tens of millions as a result of global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and with far-sighted development planning," said Georgieva.


"We support countries to tackle their climate challenges and to build robust social protection systems" such as investing in solar and wind powered projects, she added.


In a best-case scenario, the study estimates that the number of people displaced could drop from 143 million to 40 million.


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