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当心! 穿鞋不穿袜会容易得上香港脚

时间: 2017-11-13 09:11; 作者: 作文网 

The trend of wearing shoes without socks is leading to a rise in cases of foot problems, such as athlete's foot, the College of Podiatry in the UK has warned.


The "bare ankle" look has filtered down from the catwalk to the most avid followers of fashion, with designers of menswear showcasing their formal attire with sockless models in suits.


Some of Hollywood's biggest stars have experimented with the style, including Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Orlando Bloom and Jude Law.


However, podiatrist Emma Stevenson from the College of Podiatry points out that ill-fitting footwear and a lack of socks can lead to issues like blisters and the formation of corns, calluses and ingrown toenails.


Because the phenomenon is still in its early stages, the college is yet to carry out any formal studies to shed light on the number of people affected - but is keen to make sure people are aware of the health problems that might arise.


Thus, Stevenson offers some advice, including spraying feet with underarm antiperspirant prior to putting your shoes on, giving shoes 48 hours to dry out to prevent bacteria breeding, and washing and drying feet correctly after going sockless.


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