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外交人员被多国驱逐 俄罗斯誓言要采取报复

时间: 2018-03-30 18:44; 作者: 作文网 

The Russian government has threatened retaliation over one of the largest mass expulsions of its diplomats in history, after more than 20 countries backed action by the United Kingdom over the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Salisbury.


According to Russian state media Tass, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the government "deeply regretted" the US's decision to expel to their diplomats, and would analyze the situation before submitting a proposal for retaliatory action to Russian President Vladimir Putin to approve.


"We already stated and reconfirm that Russia has never had any relation to this (poisoning)," Peskov said.


The United States announced it would be expelling 60 Russian diplomats and closing the consulate in Seattle, President Donald Trump's toughest diplomatic move against Moscow since he took office in 2017.


Canada, Ukraine and member states of the European Union joined the United States in expelling more than 100 Russian diplomats on Monday.


As of Tuesday morning, 13 Russian diplomats were expelled from Ukraine, while Canada, Germany, France and Poland each expelled four.


More than a dozen other countries, including Australia, Italy and the Netherlands, have each expelled between one and three Russian diplomats or intelligence officers.


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