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时间: 2018-05-11 11:04; 作者: 作文网 

The Crown star Claire Foy will reportedly receive back pay for her performance as Queen Elizabeth, after producers admitted she was paid less than co-star Matt Smith, who portrayed Prince Philip.


It is not known how much more Smith was paid for the first two seasons of the Netflix show, but according to the Daily Mail,Foy would get about $274,000 (£200,000) in back pay.


Suzanne Mackie and Andy Harries, both producers on the show, first touched on the pay gap during the INTV Conference in Jerusalem earlier this year. The duo claimed that Smith earned more money because of his stint on the BBC series Doctor Who, which he starred on from 2010-2014.


While Mackie and Harries addressed the wage gap, they did't explain why Foy continued to make less money than Smith when her profile rose significantly ahead of the show’s second season, winning a Golden Globe and a Screen Actor's Guild Award for her role on the show.


Responding to the controversy last month, Foy commented : “I'm surprised because I'm at the centre of it, and anything that I’m at the centre of like that is very, very odd, and feels very, very out of ordinary.”


“But I'm not in the sense that it was a female-led drama,” she added. “I'm not surprised that people saw the story and went, ‘Oh that’s a bit odd’. But I know that Matt feels the same that I do, that it’s odd to find yourself at the centre [of a story] that you didn't particularly ask for.”


Matt Smith also responded to the controversy, telling The Hollywood Reporter: “Claire is one of my best friends, and I believe that we should be paid equally and fairly and there should be equality for all. I support her completely, and I’m pleased that it was resolved and they made amends for it because that what's needed to happen.“

马特也会回应了该风波,在接受《Hollywood Reporter》采访时说道,克莱尔是我最好的朋友之一,我认为我们应该片酬一样这样才公平。我完全支持她,我很高兴这个问题解决了,他们同意做出补偿,这才是正确的做法。”

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