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时间: 2018-05-28 15:55; 作者: 作文网 

With a new app from Google, finding outfit inspiration will no longer require hours of scouring the internet.


The new shopping feature, Style Match, was just announced as part of Google Lens and it will change the way you shop.

这款新的应用程序叫Style Match,是Google Lens的新功能之一,它会改变你的购买方式。

The concept is simple - if you see something that you like, you can point your camera at it and your phone will then show you the same item, or similar items, to purchase.


And once you find the exact dress you saw someone on the train wearing, you can purchase it through Google Shopping.


The app works in real-time by using image-recognition technology - meaning you can purchase a pair of shoes within seconds of seeing them on your coworker's feet.


You can also see reviews of the item before you purchase, as well as different items in a similar style.


According to Google, Style Match also works on home decor.

根据谷歌,Style Match 同样适用于家具装饰品。

This isn't the first fashion-matching app - the app ScreebShop offered a similar shopping experience when it was released last year.


However, Google's version is the first to be built directly into the camera - meaning “you'll be able to browse the world around you, just by pointing your camera.”


When you don't have the words to describe the jacket you saw someone wearing on the street into a search bar, Style Match can do the work for you.

你也不必费劲在搜索栏描述在街上看到一个人穿的夹克是什么样的,Style Match可以帮你完成这个工作。

Currently, the Google Lens app is only available on Android phones and Google Assistant.

目前Google Leas 的应用只能在安卓系统手机,和谷歌助手上面使用。

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