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时间: 2018-06-22 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

As of this afternoon, Ivanka Trump has announced that she will be shuttering her namesake clothing line. According to reports, the company's 18 employees have been notified of the decisions and layoffs are expected to follow. 截止今天下午,伊万卡宣布在以她命名的服装线全线关闭。据报道,公司的18名员工已经被通知,之后应该也会有相应的解雇措施。 The news comes after an objectively rocky year for Trump's clothing line—in addition to being dropped by major retailers like Nordstrom and Hudson’s Bay, concerns have been raised about the company's many conflicts of interest (most recently, Trump was speculated to have received special treatment from the Chinese government). 这一年对于川普成衣产品线来说确实是艰难的一年,而且像诺德斯特龙 (Nordstrom)(美国高档连锁百货店)和哈德逊湾(Hudson'sBay)(加拿大一家老牌连锁百货公司)考虑到与公司的利益冲突,都没有让伊万卡的品牌入驻(近期,伊万卡川普的品牌很机缘的获得了中国政府的优待)。

"When we first started this brand, no one could have predicted the success that we would achieve," Trump explained in a statement to CNBC. " 在接受CNBC采访时伊万卡称,一开始建立整个品牌没有人预料到会有这么成功。” After 17 months in Washington, I do not know when or if I will ever return to the business, but I do know that my focus for the foreseeable future will be the work I am doing here in Washington, so making this decision now is the only fair outcome for my team and partners." 在华盛顿17个月以后,我不知道我还会不会回到生意场,但是不久的将来我的重心还是会放在华盛顿的工作上,所以只有这个决定来让我的团队和伙伴觉得公平。” In 2016, Trump stepped down from her role at the brand to transition into her position as senior adviser at the White House. 在2016年,伊万卡从自己的品牌经营职业转换成白宫的高级顾问。

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