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时间: 2018-07-08 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is celebrating her 37th birthday on August 4, and it's a particularly special event this year—it's her first as a royal. 今年8月4日,苏塞克斯公爵夫人梅根将在8月4日庆祝37岁生日,今年很特别——因为这是她作为王室成员的第一个生日。 Traditionally, the royal family tends to keep their celebrations private and intimate (besides Her Majesty, who gets a parade during the Trooping of the Colour), and they often take the day off from formal engagements as well. 按照传统,王室倾向于保持庆祝活动的私密性(除了女王陛下会出席王室阅兵庆典游行),而且他们通常会取消正式活动,休一天假。 However, new details have emerged on how the Duchess might spend the day. 然而,关于公爵夫人如何度过这一天的新细节已经出现。 According to Hello, the Duchess will likely spend her birthday at a wedding with Prince Harry, where he will serve as the best man to one of his closest friends, Charlie van Straubenzee, who will wed Daisy Jenks. 《Hello》网站透露,公爵夫人很可能会与哈里王子在婚礼上度过她的生日。那天,哈里王子将作为他最亲密的朋友之一——查理·范·斯特劳本茨的伴郎。查理是和黛西·詹克斯结婚的

The two friends reportedly met as children while attending the Ludgrove Prep School in Berkshire, England, and Straubenzee is said to have attended Prince Harry's wedding as well. 据报道,他们小时候在英国伯克郡的拉德格罗夫预科学校读书就认识了,据说斯特劳本茨也参加了哈里王子的婚礼。 Prince Harry's attendance at the wedding was confirmed by royal photographer Tim Rooke. 王室摄影师蒂姆·鲁克证实了哈里王子将出席婚礼的消息。 “Unfortunately I will be missing the wedding of Charlie Van Straubenzee and Daisy Jenks where Prince Harry will be best man on August 4th in Churt Surrey as I will be on the beach. Can't do everything!” he wrote. “很遗憾,我将错过查理·范·斯特劳本茨和黛西·詹克斯的婚礼,8月4日,哈里王子会在萨里郡做伴郎,而我将呆在海滩上,什么都不能做!”他写道。 Though no official confirmation has been released of the Duchess's attendance, it seems likely she will serve as his plus one, as she often does for milestone celebrations. 虽然官方没有证实公爵夫人会出席,但她有可能会像经常出席重要的庆祝活动那样,随同哈里王子参加。

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