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New Ma Lao Shi作文500字

时间: 2018-08-04 08:36; 作者: 作文网 

New Ma Lao Shi

  I came to the first day of junior high school, strange faces make me think, but there is a face I most familiar with, they - Ma Laoshi, Huang Jiahuang, fat Zhao. A new head teacher, oh no two.

  The head of the class first came to choose class cadres, eh, I did not think of this abnormal horse old dampness and fat Zhao should be the STF (crazy hint) of the bodyguard regiment, the new officer to take office, Ma old wet himself to be compared.

  This day just after class, Ma old wet open his MP3 released his collection version of the female version of pant and release the maximum volume, simply do not put STF in the eyes, Fei Zhao saw the teacher so arrogant, not to give him two big mouth, but at that time he thought he was the head of the regiment. But at that time, a voice suddenly appeared in the classroom door: "who put it?" How long are you going to play this voice, do you want to imitate it? " Ma Lao Shi teacher is not good, immediately suspend the song, oh the original is the head teacher ah, come to the cold house, this is, say old shit slowly to Ma old wet side: "uh hum, you are horse old wet ah, no wonder that horse old wet ah, so do not observe the discipline, pure!" At the end of the story, the two mouths were slapped and slapped, and the poor horse was wet, and your touch screen MP3 was gone again, and the last time he was confiscated by his MP3.

  The head teacher was so strict that Ma Lao had to take a hand and he could not read it in class.

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