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时间: 2018-06-30 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Beijing reported the slowest growth in outstanding mortgage loans in five years as government curbs helped to cool down the property market. 随着政府各项限令使房市降温,据报道,北京的个人住房贷款增速创下五年来的新低。 The city's outstanding mortgage loans increased 9.6 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a 4.6% increase year-on-year, according to the Operations Office (Beijing) of the People's Bank of China, or the central bank. 中国人民银行(央行)北京营管部发布的数据显示,今年上半年,北京市个人住房贷款增加96亿元,同比增长4.6%。 It is the slowest growth in five years and 28 percentage points lower than the same period last year, the operations office said. 该营管部透露,这是五年来的最慢增速,增幅比去年同期低了28个百分点。

Meanwhile, banks extended more loans for public housing development as the city government seeks to build more public housing to offer more affordable homes for city dwellers. 与此同时,随着市政府寻求建造更多的公共住房,以此为城市居民提供更经济的住房,银行为公共住房开发提供了更多贷款。 Outstanding loans for real estate development grew 40.8 billion yuan in the first half, 67 percent of which went to public housing development, the agency said. 该机构表示,今年上半年,房地产开发贷款增长408亿元,其中67%都用于公共住房建设。 Apart from offering more public housing, authorities in Beijing also rolled out other measures, including stricter purchasing limits and higher down payment and mortgage rates, to curb real estate speculation. 除了提供更多的公共住房,北京市政府还出台了其他措施,包括更严格的购房限制和更高的首付和抵押贷款利率,以遏制房地产投机。

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