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时间: 2018-07-09 16:23; 作者: 作文网 


James will be greeted by former coach Ty Lue and his old supporting cast -- one that was constantly maligned for not being good enough to help James win another ring and includes former Lakers Larry Nance Jr. and Jordan Clarkson, who surely will be looking to prove themselves in increased minutes. 显然,詹姆斯会得到前主教练和前队友们的致敬,尽管这个团队因未足够优秀帮詹姆斯赢得另外一枚戒指而一直被外界诟病,其中包括前湖人队员拉里·南斯二世和乔丹·克拉克森,而他们一定会通过更多的上场时间来寻找机会证明自己的能力。 Leonard was tabbed to be the bridge from the Big Three era to the next generation of Spurs greatness ... until it all went wrong and he was shipped to The North for DeMar DeRozan, who will have his own awkward reunion when the Spurs visit Toronto on Feb. 22. Wounds are still fresh on both sides. Can each side make amends? 莱昂纳德一直被外界认为是后三巨头时代带领马刺走向伟大的桥梁,结果却事与愿违,马刺将他送往多伦多,换回德罗赞。2019年2月22日,马刺将客战多伦多,与莱昂纳德尴尬重逢。马刺与莱昂纳德心结未解,双方能否一笑泯恩仇?

These Eastern Conference foes have revived a fantastic rivalry that dates back to the days of Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell. And they did so with a ton of talent on both sides, promising youth all around and enough bad blood to make their predecessors proud. 东部联盟重新上演上古时代张伯伦与拉塞尔梦幻般的对决,如今双方都拥有了足以让先辈们引以为豪的天赋、天选之子以及球队之间的羁绊纠葛。 Each of these West powers will bicker about last season's thrilling seven-game conference finals. Maybe the Rockets could've closed it out? Or maybe the Warriors would've done so in only five games? 火勇两支西部豪强对于上赛季的七场西决喋喋不休。也许火箭本能够狙击勇士,又也许勇士能在五场比赛让火箭回家。 With LeBron finally relinquishing his stranglehold on the East, the rising Celtics should emerge and have enough talent to topple Golden State.All their matchups in recent years have been appointment television, with the Celtics emerging victorious several times. Now throw in a healthy Kyrie Irvingand Gordon Hayward, and the Warriors have reason to sweat. 随着勒布朗最终放弃了对东部联盟的支配权,强势崛起的凯尔特人有足够的天赋推倒金州勇士的统治。他们近年来之间的交手都被电视台预约,而结果也是各有胜负不相上下,如今再投入一个健康的欧文和海沃德,勇士该冒汗了。 Three times in the past four years, James has found himself on the wrong side of the Warriors' rising dynasty. By moving to the West, James now has to face the Dubs twice as often in the regular season. It might not be the same rivalry that it was when James was in Cleveland and these teams met in four straight summers, but the history between James and the Warriors makes any matchup must-see TV. 四年三败,詹姆斯认识到自己在勇士王朝崛起时站错了边,此次加盟西部,詹姆斯在常规赛就需要两次面对勇士,这可能与詹姆斯在克利夫兰时与勇士连续四个夏天相遇截然不同,但是,詹姆斯和勇士的历史故事会让他们之间任何一次对决成为必看经典!

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