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时间: 2018-06-01 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

"He broke up with me on a birthday trip to Thailand" "泰国生日游途中,他和我分手了" "My ex and I went to Thailand together for a two-week birthday trip around the country (after being together over a year). On the third day he confessed that he didn't love me anymore and realized it a month before the trip but couldn't tell me, and didn't want to be with me anymore. The trip was non-refundable. "为期两周的泰国生日游途中,我和前任分手了(那时候我们已经谈一年多了)。第三天的时候,他坦白称不再爱我了,他在出游前一个月意识到了这一点,但却不知道怎么和我说,而且他剩下的旅行不要和我一起走了。这次旅行是退不了款的。" "I had to get a new passport and take two weeks off work, and it was his idea! It was miserable and humiliating. I drank a lot. Instead of going home with me at the end of the trip, he stayed and got drunk with some of his friends who conveniently showed up, and slept with random girls. My birthday was terrible and then I had to explain everything to my friends and parents when I got back. I cried for weeks." "为了这趟旅行,我办了新护照,请假两周,这可都是他的主意啊!这段经历太悲惨了,也很丢脸。我喝的酩酊大醉。旅行结束后他没有和我一起回家,而是留了下来和一些偶然碰面的朋友买醉、睡了陌生姑娘。这次生日过的太糟心了,回去之后我不得不向朋友和家人解释这一切。我哭了好几个星期。"

"She said she was going to beat me up" "她说她要打我" "I was dating a high school guidance counselor. She was very intelligent, funny, and we shared the same taste in music. She was in no way odd and I never saw anything in her behavior or demeanor that in any way concerned me. One day we were texting, and she misinterpreted I said to be some form of rejection and went nuts. She lit up my phone with calls and threatening texts. She said she was going to beat me up or have others do it. "当时我的约会对象是一位高中辅导员。她非常聪明、有趣,我们对音乐的品味相同。她一点都不怪,行为举止没有任何令我不安的地方。有一天我们在发短信,她误以为我是在拒绝她,疯了似的。她不停的打电话、发威胁的短信给我,搞的我手机一直在亮。她说她会揍我,或找人揍我。" "About the time I had received my 200th text and 50th call from her I thought to myself that I better say something to her or she would probably show up at my house. I took the next call from her and tried to understand what her issue was. All I got was a lot of yelling so I said, 'If you show up at my house you will be leaving in handcuffs.' and hung up. She would send hundreds of texts a day." "大约收到第200条短信,第50个电话的时候,我想我得和她说些什么,不然她保不准会杀到我家。我接了她打进来的电话,试图搞清楚她在想什么。但我只听到阵阵吼叫,所以我说'如果你出现在我家,你就会被带上手铐的。'然后就挂了。她一天会发几百条短信。"


  • 上一篇:安东尼离开老鹰得到的礼物 美金和限量版球衣!
  • 下一篇:研究显示 我国纯母乳喂养率偏低
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