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时间: 2018-05-31 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Residents of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao will no longer need work permits when they are hired by enterprises on the Chinese mainland. That was one of the 11 permits halted by the State Council. 国务院日前取消了11项行政许可,其中包括“台港澳人员就业证”,今后台港澳民众赴大陆工作将不再需要就业证了。 Previously, enterprises on the mainland had to apply to city-level authorities for approval to hire employees from the three places. Work permits for residents of Taiwan and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao had been required for more than two decades. 此前,大陆企业如果聘用台港澳雇员,必须向市级主管部门提交申请等待审批。“台港澳人员就业证”已存在超过20年。 To get one, residents of the three regions had to submit several documents, including the would-be employer's business license, the employee's health certificate and a valid travel document. 要办理“台港澳人员就业证”,申请人员须提供包括雇主营业执照、雇员健康证明和个人有效旅行证件在内的多种材料。

The permit had to be renewed every two years, and a change of employers meant reapplication for the permit. 该就业证每两年就要续签,如果工作单位变更,则需重新申办。 Lo Wenyueh, a 34-year-old editor at a Beijing publishing house, said the new policy will make her life much easier. She was hired in September 2016 and did not get a work permit until the second half of last year. 34岁的罗雯月,是北京一家出版社的编辑,她表示这项新政策会让自己的生活更简单。她是在2016年9月份入的职,直到去年下半年才拿到一份就业证。 Without the permit, she was not eligible for some of the benefits her colleagues received, including medical insurance, she said. 她表示,没有该就业证,她就没有资格获得她的同事所能获得的一些福利,包括医疗保险。 As a young Taiwan resident, Lo started working in Beijing after graduation from a famous university several years ago. Her younger brother works in Suqian, Jiangsu province. "It will also be easier for my brother," she added. 罗雯月是一名台湾青年,几年前从一所知名大学毕业之后,就在北京开始工作。她的弟弟现在在江苏省宿迁市工作。她补充道:“这样一来,我弟弟的生活也会变得更简单一些。”

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